Parcel wines are produced from a specific plot of vineyards, which guarantees the highest quality of wine. Specially selected places from the vineyard are used where the ripening of the grapes is most balanced. The selection of the designated plots is a slow and laborious process.
The results of the production of parcel wines are very close every year due to the similar characteristics of the grapes. They can be of both white and red varieties. Of course, there are factors (such as weather changes) that we cannot influence. However, the vinification of grapes from a specific plot makes it so that each year the wines that are produced are very similar to previous harvests.
This is extremely important for you customers, because we guarantee you high quality every year. The selected plots from our vineyards are up to 2 decares of variety. For the new limited series, our winery uses grapes from the varieties: German Riesling, cheese and Sauvignon Blanc. In this type of wine, the number of bottles produced is determined by the size of the plot of the vineyard from which the grapes were harvested. Each bottle in these series provides information on the total number of bottles produced by the particular plot and has a personal number of the bottle, proving its uniqueness and authenticity. That is why even when processing grapes, we know with great accuracy the number of bottles that we can produce from a given place.
The total number of wines produced from the three new series is only 1,500 bottles.
Parcel wines are produced all over the world and their popularity is growing day by day. Try our new wines created with great desire, high quality and precision to every detail.